Explore the design of our unique circular calendar

Circular calendar showing the different amounts of sunlight at different times of the year

Sunrise and sunset times are plotted in a circle so you can see how the amount of daylight changes throughout the year

Close up of calendar to show how the different types of twilight are displayed

The times of the three different types of twilight are also carefully included.

In many locations there are days where it never gets truly dark!

Close up of calendar showing the scale changing for daylight saving time

When there’s daylight saving time, the scale subtly shifts

The sun doesn’t change, it’s just our perception of the times

Or choose to see the dramatic jump

Keeping the scale consistent to see the dramatic difference when the clocks change is one of the many options you can choose

Close up of calendar showing moon phases

See how the phases of the moon change throughout the year

Customisable for any location

Bonus points if you can work out whose house this actually is!